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2022 Cynopsis Digital "It List"

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We’re looking for the most innovative executives in digital media who excel in digital content, marketing, advertising, social media, and online content to take their place on Cynopsis Digital’s “It List.”

Just who are these pros? They’re the digital thinkers and doers behind the scenes whose peers notice and emulate them. They’re the type of people who always seem to be one step ahead, who can anticipate when the winds are shifting and are the first to reposition their team and their company to take the best advantage of new opportunities. These are the people who have defined success in daily business life through a potent combination of intelligence and influence. Their decisions affect the digital content industry, shake up the status quo and change the future.

It’s not just senior-level people who belong on the Cynopsis Digital “It List.” They’re movers and shakers on every level, from managers to directors and more. That’s why we want to recognize and celebrate them.

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